Teddy’s Story

Our family’s lives were forever changed when we got the prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 13 for our sweet baby boy Theodore. We were told this diagnosis was “incompatible with life” and that most babies don’t make it through the pregnancy or birth, and those that do only live for a few days or weeks.

We knew from the start that we would fight for our son for as long as he fought for us. We chose his name Theodore, which means “Gift from God,” after receiving his diagnosis because we wanted him and everyone else to know that he was absolutely the most special gift, no matter his abilities, his struggle, or his lifespan. We were offered termination countless times before he was born, but thanks to wonderful support from other trisomy parents and organizations (which you can find on our Resources page), we knew there was hope beyond anything his doctors imagined. Our “Teddy bear” entered our arms on July 14, 2023. We had to advocate strongly for him to get full interventions and care.

Before his birth, there were countless assumptions made about Teddy that weren’t true, like how he would probably have severe central apnea and would only survive a few days, and that he would likely be blind and deaf and severely disabled. But here’s what was true about him: He was a genuinely sweet, happy, snuggly boy. He could see, hear, breathe on his own, and even ate small amounts by mouth. He knew his Mommy and Daddy’s voices and our touch. He adored his big sister and always smiled when he heard her laugh or being silly.

He lit up when enjoying a beautiful day outdoors, looking around and listening to the birds, cooing excitedly. He loved looking around at lights and bright colors, listening to music, dancing around the house, getting head rubs, and playing with toys. He held our fingers so tightly, played with our faces, and smiled whenever we kissed his cute chubby cheeks. He loved snuggling with his stuffies, and most of all loved to be snuggled and held by his Daddy and Mommy, instantly calming whenever we picked him up. Teddy spent much of his life back and forth at the hospital, but thankfully got to be home for the majority of his life. He enjoyed an abundance of love from his parents, sister, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and loving nurses. He was surrounded by tremendous love for every moment of his life.

Teddy lived a beautiful 11 months with us before passing away. His life has forever transformed the lives of our family in the best way possible. He taught us to truly make the most of every moment because we knew no day or hour was guaranteed. He taught us genuine unconditional love, unlike anything we had ever known. He taught his big sister compassion and how to love others who may look and act differently. He taught us all that every life is precious and designed by God, regardless of genetic makeup or abilities.

While the grief we feel from losing Teddy is heavy, the joy we have from the opportunity to raise Teddy and spend 11 months with him is indescribable. We would do it all again…the trials, the exhaustion, the sorrow we feel now…we’d do it all again a million times over if it meant just one more day with him. And while we never would have chosen his struggles or chosen such a short life for Teddy, we would choose him, his love, his sweetness, his smile, his happy little coos, his joy, again and again. We are forever grateful for every second we got to spend with him, and for how he has forever changed the hearts of every person who knew him. We know that Teddy is finally fully healed, free from all his earthly struggles and that we will be with him again one day, able to enjoy him free from the many worries and troubles we shared with him while on this earth. He truly was the greatest “gift from God” that we could have asked for!